博客 Community is the key to a great HOA!

Community is the key to a great HOA!

Let’s talk about couple concepts that are prevalent in the HOA world. Today what we want to talk about is to show you the three different roles an HOA plays. It is first and foremost a corporation, it is secondly a government and thirdly it is a community.  Every good HOA ...
博客 Increasing Curb Appeal

Increasing Curb Appeal

Increase the value of your rental property by making some aesthetic changes and following a few simple tips. Check for concrete damage and consider making repairs. There are emerging low cost options, such as concrete lifting, to fix cracks and sunken concrete slabs as opposed t...
博客 Disney and a flight Sept 2020 during the pandemic?

Disney and a flight Sept 2020 during the pandemic?

Well last week was a historical week that felt almost normal at times. 我们飞. We took a Lyft. We went to Epcot in Orlando and we even had a national meeting with many of the franchises all across the nation attending. Starting with the flight, what was different? From the momen...
博客 Downtown Tulsa

Downtown Tulsa

Downtown Tulsa…it is time to check it out! We decided to have an outing tonight since for an October day, the evening was absolutely beautiful. We didn’t have a destination in mind so we just found a parking spot and went walking. Side note- we might have found out the hard w...
博客 Spring in 断箭 俄克拉何马州

Spring in 断箭 俄克拉何马州

Spring 2020 has been unlike any other in the history of not just our property management business but also our 断箭 community and the history of the world. As you know, the Coronavirus has presented unprecedented issues but also unprecedented opportunities. For many, it h...
博客 At PMI Green Country, we love our tenants!

At PMI Green Country, we love our tenants!

When you choose to rent a home instead of buy, it can be for a multitude of reasons. You may not want to be tied down to a location and want to feel like you can move at any time. You may want the time to lease a home to build credit. You may want to rent so that you can save up ...
博客 PMI Green Country, Inc., Raises Thousands of Dollars to Help COVID-19 Victims in the HOAs They Manage

PMI Green Country, Inc., Raises Thousands of Dollars to Help COVID-19 Victims in the HOAs They Manag...

Tulsa Metro Area, 俄克拉何马州, October 2020 — When COVID-19 first hit, the HOA industry as a whole, like many other businesses, was thrust into confusion and uncertainty. Many people are unaware that most homeowner associations are 俄克拉何马州 Not-For-Profit Corporations and thus hav...
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